Best Self Publishing Resources

Self-publishing has become extremely popular over the past two decades. With the rise of digital reading tools such as kindle, getting your book in front of readers is no longer rocket science. For those who self-publish on a regular basis, one of the best things about it is the ease of publishing and the extremely welcoming community of self-published authors. Of course, even if you self-publish, you are not guaranteed to be successful, but with the help of the community and the resources they have to offer, you stand a better chance of becoming a well-known author. To help you get started on your journey, we have put together a list of self-publishing resources that may prove to be invaluable.

Self-Publishing Guides To Read

A lot of intricacies come with self-publishing that can either make or break your book’s release and overall performance. There are several notable guides worth checking out that can help you get the most out of every book you publish. Susan Kaye Quinn’s How to successfully take a series “wide” after Kindle Unlimited is great for authors who have a few books online already. How to get book reviews and build an ARC and Your ultimate guide to front matter and back matter by the PublishDrive team are also good sources of helpful tips. One of the top guides that are also easy to follow was written by Jane Friedman. It is called 101 series: how to self-publish your books. It covers everything you need to know to get your book out in the world for your fans to read.

Influencers & Publishing Gurus to Follow

Listening to or reading tips on how to maximize your self-publishing efforts from people experts is a great way to learn tricks and skills that otherwise fall under the radar. James Blatch and Mark Dawson offer up a lot of great tips on how to make a full-time living via self-publishing. This is great for full-time writers who are looking for a way to make their passion pay their bills.

Orna Ross and Carla King are both well known in the self-publishing field and offer workshops, seminars, and podcasts to help authors who are struggling with their publishing efforts. They also offer plenty of advice for those looking to boost their numbers and keep up the momentum with each release.

Services, Applications & Tools For Self Publishing

There are a lot of essential tools that an author who plans to self-publish will need. Everything from a keyword organizer from Amazon to Grammarly for easy editing and corrections and more. As an author who won’t have an agent or publishing house providing all of these additional services on their behalf, it’s the little things that can really make publishing on your own more efficient.

Check out Reedsy for all your editing and book design needs. You can use ProlificWorks and BookFunnel to grow your readership without the need to offer free books in exchange for reviews. Of course, groups such as Goodreads Group, the Kboards’ Writers Cafe, and Writers Helping Writers are all excellent resources for those who are interested in self-publishing their written work.

The Final Word

Self-publishing is a great way to get your books on the shelves with much less overhead than you may expect. If you are interested in publishing your books, check out the resources we have listed above to help you get started an achieving your goals.